Content strategy
In a content strategy you write down which content you'll create. Complementing your organisations values and ambitions. Although strategy may sound abstract, it actually isn't. It is the strong foundation from which you will work.
What do you get?
- A compact, practical indicator for all your content
- Plans for target audience, choice of channels, measuring and more
- Concepts that broaden and deepen your content
Where to start?
Many organisations struggle to answer this question. But we are happy to help! First, we collect the input we need for your content strategy. By analysing the effects of your current content, for example. Next, we determine the desired results together; through workshops and stakeholder interviews. Best practices, market research and data (like Google Analytics) play an important part.
From content strategy to content marketing
The strategy paper that results from this, is a concrete guide for your content. For product copy, a company video or a campaign website. It is also the framework for your content marketing, since you get:
- An editing format with guidelines for content creation.
- A content matrix, which indicates the content owners and the type of content and channels they manage.
- A concept for a content calendar, allowing easy scheduling of your content creation and publication.
Als je wilt, helpen we je ook met de uitvoering. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld medewerkers trainen. Of helpen met contentcreatie en contentmanagement.
A content strategy also serves as a tool to check whether your content matches your ambitions. Management usually assesses content based on key performance indicators (KPIs). A content strategy helps you set measurable and realistic goals for visitor numbers, likes, shares and conversion. That creates focus.